Do You Dream Of Being a Professional Blogger?
I Can Help You Turn that Dream Into Actionable Steps.
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There I was. Driving toward the trailhead in a caravan of cars filled with people and dogs I’d met through my blog and Instagram.
As I rounded the bend, and the picturesque Mount Shuksan came into view, I started to cry.
I thought, “I can’t believe THIS is my life.”
The feeling of satisfaction, of living on my own terms with purpose, the freedom and flexibility to make my life exactly how I want it, all welled up inside me and my heart swelled.
You see, seven years ago I was where you probably are. Living by “shoulds.”
I was following a logical trajectory — college, job, climbing the corporate ladder. But, something was missing. Something didn’t feel right.
Read the Rest of My Story HERE
Are You Doing What Brings You Joy?
I’m a firm believer that life is short.
I’ve had many experiences in life that have driven this point home for me and has made it impossible to spend time and energy on what doesn’t feel right.
Trying to “make it work” when IT is something that is broken, and doesn’t fit who you are anymore, is excruciating and sucks the energy right out of you.
YOU Can Be the Architect of of Your Own Life
I want to help YOU take control of your own life — your time — by turning your blog into a source of income. If it’s already earning income, to help find ways to leverage that success and earn more.
I’ve spent seven years obsessively researching and learning by trial-and-error to build my entrepreneurial toolbox.
One of my talents is the ability to listen to people and match them with the right tools to get where they want to go, and explain it in easily understandable terms!
“Jessica, we’re pretty sure you could teach physics to a 3rd grader.” – Instructor from one of my communications training classes.
Of course, you could spend seven years to hopefully get where I am today, but I’m willing to bet you want to get there sooner, right? Leverage my experience to propel your business forward.